For example, to specify that the character encoding of the current document is "EUC-JP", a document should include the following META declaration. 例如,为了表述当前文档的字符编码为“EUC-JP”,文档内应该包含如下内容的META元素声明。
Learning is, in essence, a meta industry where learners dynamically perceive, process, and transform messages in order to turn them into knowledge, intelligence, morality and character so as to improve their quality and fundamentally open up, optimize, and develop productive forces. 学习,实质是学习者能动而有选择地感知、加工、转化信息,生产知识、智能、道德、品格,提高自身素质,从根本上开发、生产、优化、发展生产力的元生产;